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Join Brandon Choo's Crew!

Join and begin your journey as an aspiring Fish Wrangler on an island in the middle of the Farovian Sea. Do you have what it takes to become a Shark Wrangler Extraordinaire? Play now for free!

(160) My Records: (Updated daily)

Show: | | | |

2nd  Foil FIsh Catches 524 catches
3rd  Sergeant Sugarfin Streak 9 in a row
3rd  Slamdunk Shark Catches 267 catches
3rd  Flag Fin Octo Catches 347 catches
3rd  Sod Eel Trophy 26.8 kg trophy catch
3rd  Onesie Jerry Trophy 81.9 kg trophy catch
3rd  Zooplank Trophy 435.1 kg trophy catch
4th  Laurel Leaf Loach Streak 4 in a row
4th  Wave Rider Wrasse Catches 260 catches
5th  Sailfin Skipper Catches 293 catches
5th  Tri-Turtle Catches 139 catches
5th  Barbatula Trophy 17.9 kg trophy catch
6th  Putterfish Catches 312 catches
6th  Podium Crab Trophy 16.4 kg trophy catch
7th  Shield Ray Streak 15 in a row
7th  Laurel Leaf Loach Catches 270 catches
8th  Pirate Pikee Catches 4 catches
8th  Grappler Grouper Catches 154 catches
8th  Tug of War Catches 259 catches
9th  Torch Relay Tangs Catches 168 catches
9th  Flipperina Catches 408 catches
9th  Lamb Trophy 12.2 kg trophy catch
9th  Reog Trophy 2,205.3 kg trophy catch
9th  Zadok Trophy 345.8 kg trophy catch
10th  Sharkeel Mutant Catches 1,465 catches
10th  Pigeon Shooting Debacle Catches 114 catches
10th  Melting Manta Ray Trophy 559.2 kg trophy catch
11th  Capn Jose 11th ever
11th  Graveskeeper Trophy 45.0 kg trophy catch
12th  Slamdunk Shark Streak 5 in a row
12th  Goalie Guppy Catches 126 catches
12th  Kickfin Karper Catches 164 catches
12th  Dove Darter Catches 341 catches
12th  Celebration Seahose Catches 84 catches
13th  Goalie Guppy Streak 3 in a row
13th  Shuttlecocktail Catches 253 catches
14th  Sharpshooter Streak 4 in a row
14th  Bullseye Bowfin Catches 482 catches
15th  Pentafin Catches 145 catches
15th  Paddlefin Pike Catches 80 catches
15th  Freckle Pec Trophy 95.1 kg trophy catch
16th  Pirate Pikee 16th ever
16th  Crab Mi-go Catches 828 catches
16th  Spike Squid Catches 246 catches
16th  Ping Pong Puffer Catches 110 catches
17th  Devil Ray Streak 7 in a row
17th  Ribbon Reef Runner Catches 306 catches
18th  Chickaseal 18th ever
18th  364 Experiment Catches 1,747 catches
18th  Craggy Climberfish Catches 186 catches
20th  Cinnafin Roll Streak 10 in a row
20th  Track Starfish Catches 1,026 catches
20th  Unity Urchin Catches 260 catches
21st  Poodle Clipping Catches 55 catches
21st  Kandy Kane Koi Trophy 184.2 kg trophy catch
22nd  Sunday Snail 22nd ever
22nd  B-Boy Bubbles Catches 120 catches
23rd  Flaminco 23rd ever
23rd  Pedal Octo Catches 107 catches
23rd  Puckum Catches 403 catches
24th  Cinco Trophy 206.8 kg trophy catch
25th  Gajah 25th ever
25th  Throw Jelly Catches 386 catches
26th  Rad Ray Catches 162 catches
26th  Wrangler Trophy 7.3 kg trophy catch
27th  Powdered Donut Streak 11 in a row
28th  Love 28th ever
28th  Frostee Trophy 55.6 kg trophy catch
29th  Sun Booty Catches 1,321 catches
29th  Plunge for Distance Catches 81 catches
30th  Pedal Octo Streak 3 in a row
30th  Eyething Catches 1,089 catches
30th  Parade Parrotfish Catches 643 catches
31st  Podium Crab Catches 480 catches
32nd  Lady Leng Spider Catches 614 catches
33rd  Jabberjaw Catches 48 catches
34th  Meong 34th ever
34th  Mantis Mi-go Catches 819 catches
34th  Stoplight Loosejaw Catches 6 catches
34th  Mascot Mollie Catches 155 catches
34th  Closing Ceremony Cichlids Catches 466 catches
35th  Fiddler Mi-go Catches 756 catches
35th  Gala Guppy Catches 556 catches
36th  Durian 36th ever
39th  Sardee 39th ever
39th  Firework Fugu Catches 159 catches
40th  Doublee Trophy 17.2 kg trophy catch
41st  Horsea Jumper Catches 960 catches
42nd  Grapple Catches 102 catches
42nd  Opening Ceremony Orandas Catches 821 catches
45th  Kandy Kane Koi 45th ever
46th  Mutant Mahout Catches 1,457 catches
46th  Harmony Halibut Catches 176 catches
47th  Mutinous Trophy 265.9 kg trophy catch
49th  Ace Angelfish Catches 222 catches
50th  Cauldron Carp Catches 275 catches
51st  Jelly Eye King Catches 124 catches
52nd  Penay 52nd ever
52nd  Man Oh War Catches 7 catches
53rd  Reciprifish Catches 346 catches
53rd  Wider Trophy 8.0 kg trophy catch
55th  Love Catches 10 catches
56th  Anthem Angler Catches 556 catches
58th  Memotong Trophy 84.2 kg trophy catch
60th  Flya 60th ever
60th  Brawny Bronze Medal Catches 184 catches
61st  Planet Eater 61st ever
61st  Sharkira Catches 1,033 catches
63rd  Lanturn 63rd ever
63rd  Blue Ring Blowfish Catches 75 catches
64th  Sarcastic Fringehead Catches 57 catches
67th  Dancer Trophy 446.7 kg trophy catch
68th  Black Ring Ink Squid Catches 81 catches
69th  Drifta 69th ever
69th  Oarfish Catches 87 catches
70th  Ring Bearer Crab Catches 79 catches
71st  Love Bite 71st ever
73rd  Flashy Trophy 57.4 kg trophy catch
75th  Elder Octopus Catches 297 catches
76th  Ninja Grinch Catches 14 catches
78th  Silver Medal Catches 116 catches
79th  Capn Jose Catches 20 catches
79th  Flound Her Catches 690 catches
79th  Three Sheets Trophy 106.8 kg trophy catch
80th  Cheddar Moon 80th ever
80th  Banasp Trophy 402.7 kg trophy catch
83rd  Bramble Ray Catches 261 catches
84th  Grapple 84th ever
84th  B-Boy Bubbles 84th ever
84th  Jabberjaw 84th ever
84th  Dead King Catches 354 catches
85th  Oarfish 85th ever
86th  Sailfin Skipper 86th ever
86th  Dr. Sushi Catches 43 catches
87th  Liftermussel 87th ever
87th  Diogenes Mi-go Catches 666 catches
88th  Pumpkin Spice Latte 88th ever
88th  Rad Ray 88th ever
88th  Sharpshooter 88th ever
89th  Gibbering 89th ever
90th  Ping Pong Puffer 90th ever
90th  Pedal Octo 90th ever
91st  Paddlefin Pike 91st ever
91st  Tri-Turtle 91st ever
91st  Splashy Backflipper 91st ever
92nd  Kickfin Karper 92nd ever
92nd  Kindfin Klara Catches 38 catches
93rd  Pentafin 93rd ever
93rd  Craggy Climberfish 93rd ever
93rd  Ruggers 93rd ever
95th  Legnochio 95th ever
95th  Mutant Turtle Catches 883 catches
95th  Liftermussel Catches 55 catches
96th  Snowhale Catches 228 catches
98th  Billy Bill 98th ever
98th  Killer Knight Catches 3,066 catches
98th  Elder Golden Catches 459 catches
98th  Glassopus Trophy 74.0 kg trophy catch
107th  Most Overall Trips 469,109 total trips
508th  Most Overall Catches 490,057 catches


Recent Catches: (Updated 11/30/24 10:45pm FVT)

Updated after each trip.
10:41pm FVT
Auto-Fish Special Bonus ends in 11 hrs! Caught a 2.55 kg Ring Bearer Crab, worth 4,683 points and 9,346 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 274 left. Due to 1.1x Timer Special Bonus, only 12 mins 38 secs 'til next Fish NOW!
10:36pm FVT
Steve led trip... Caught a 5.44 kg Gala Guppy, worth 2,629 points and 5,216 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 275 left.
10:29pm FVT
Auto-Fish Special Bonus ends in 11 hrs! Caught a 11.79 kg Black Ring Ink Squid, worth 4,102 points and 8,162 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 276 left. Due to 1.1x Timer Special Bonus, only 12 mins 38 secs 'til next Fish NOW! Almost found: Inkblot Map!
10:16pm FVT
Auto-Fish Special Bonus ends in 11 hrs! Caught a 1.53 kg Podium Crab, worth 3,037 points and 6,074 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 278 left. Due to 1.1x Timer Special Bonus, only 12 mins 38 secs 'til next Fish NOW!
10:05pm FVT
Soo auto-led trip... Caught a 1.28 kg Unity Urchin, worth 3,921 points and 7,758 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 279 left.
9:52pm FVT
Caught a 34.36 kg Blue Ring Blowfish, worth 4,463 points and 4,484 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 281 left. Received 280 extra points for bringing 7 crew members! Due to Grace Period, only 11 mins 59 secs 'til next Fish NOW!
9:41pm FVT
Caught a 1.42 kg Ring Bearer Crab, worth 4,594 points and 4,584 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 282 left. Received 240 extra points for bringing 6 crew members! Due to Grace Period, only 8 mins 39 secs 'til next Fish NOW!
9:22pm FVT
Caught a 5.02 kg Anthem Angler, worth 2,678 points and 2,657 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 285 left. Received 40 extra points for bringing 1 crew member!
9:08pm FVT
Caught a 24.83 kg Brawny Bronze Medal, worth 3,980 points and 4,022 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 286 left. Received 240 extra points for bringing 6 crew members!
9:04pm FVT
Richard led trip... Caught a 24.18 kg Cauldron Carp, worth 3,222 points and 3,191 gold. I used 1 Diamond Dip Chum, have 287 left.

Recent Tournament Catches: (Updated 11/28/24 4:50am FVT)

December 31 5:00pm FVT
December 31 5:00pm FVT

My Prizes

Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '23-24
Seen 5593 of 5645 days (99%)
Picked #11,140!
9 away from the JackPot
on Aug 16th '24
Picked #6,272!
2 away from the JackPot
on May 23rd '24
Received 20 FLC! 14 contest catches, 717.25 lb heaviest, 158th catch rank
Feb 6th '24
Picked Winning #1,587!
24,449 players entered
on Jan 1st '24
Received 5 FLC! 7,619 lb total combined weight, 38 contest catches, 196th catch rank
Nov 16th '23
Received 5 FLC! 19 contest catches, 167.69 lb heaviest, 212th catch rank
Oct 8th '23
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '22-23
Seen 5061 of 5113 days (99%)
Received 22 FLC! 21 contest catches, 299.44 lb heaviest, 44th catch rank
Jun 6th '22
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '21-22
Seen 4694 of 4746 days (99%)
Received 9 FLC! 4.81 lb heaviest contest catch, 169th catch rank
Sep 20th '21
Received 3 FLC! 20 contest catches, 26 lb heaviest, 386th catch rank
Jul 21st '21
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '20-21
Seen 4329 of 4381 days (99%)
Money Won $25 in CASH!
Caught the 1376th ever Red Lust Prize Fish
on Feb 19th '21
Received 9 FLC! 43.5 lb total combined weight, 14 contest catches, 74th catch rank
Dec 26th '20
Received 9 FLC! 13 contest catches, 14.81 lb heaviest, 28th catch rank
Dec 24th '20
Received 9 FLC! 2,377 lb total combined weight, 14 contest catches, 180th catch rank
Jun 9th '20
Received 9 FLC! 3.88 lb heaviest contest catch, 253rd catch rank
Jun 8th '20
Received 9 FLC! 13 contest catches, 156.19 lb heaviest, 207th catch rank
Jun 7th '20
Picked #16,404!
11 away from the JackPot
on Jun 7th '20
Received 9 FLC! 171.88 lb heaviest contest catch, 159th catch rank
Jun 6th '20
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '19-20
Seen 3965 of 4016 days (99%)
Received 10 FLC! 9,326 lb total combined weight, 64 contest catches, 139th catch rank
Feb 15th '20
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '18-19
Seen 3601 of 3651 days (99%)
Picked #19,167!
12 away from the JackPot
on Jul 30th '18
Received 30 FLC! 1675.88 lb total combined weight, 10 contest catches, 20th catch rank
Jul 24th '18
Picked #16,848!
11 away from the JackPot
on Jul 13th '18
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '17-18
Seen 3245 of 3295 days (98%)
Received 100 FLC! 406 lb heaviest contest catch, 6th catch rank
Jan 1st '18
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '16-17
Seen 2871 of 2921 days (98%)
Received 30 FLC! 1259.5 lb total combined weight, 76 contest catches, 297th catch rank
May 12th '17
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '15-16
Seen 2506 of 2556 days (98%)
Picked #20,569!
7 away from the JackPot
on Oct 31st '15
Picked #20,784!
13 away from the JackPot
on Aug 2nd '15
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '14-15
Seen 2141 of 2191 days (98%)
Received 16 FLC! 759.56 lb heaviest contest catch!
Jun 3rd '14
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '13-14
Seen 1776 of 1826 days (97%)
Picked #6,700!
3 away from the JackPot
on Oct 17th '13
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '12-13
Seen 1411 of 1461 days (97%)
Heart Strings! (Level 80/80)
Caught 8 of 9 V-Day Fish 262 times!
Mar 8th '13
Fir Branch (Level 80/80)
Caught 9 of 9 Reindeer Fish 259 times!
Jan 14th '13
Abolisher! (Level 53/60)
Caught 5 of 8 Halloween Fish 94 times!
Nov 16th '12
My Birthday Branch (Birthday Bash in Waterport Contest)
Level 1/50! Purchased on Jul 16th '12!
Jul 20th '12
My Ghost Branch (Salute the Soldiers Contest)
Level 1/50! Purchased on May 25th '12!
May 31st '12
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '11-12
Seen 1049 of 1096 days (96%)
Awarded 250 FLC
May 28th '10-11
Seen 721 of 730 days (99%)
Awarded 250 FLC
May 27th '09-10
Seen 463 of 469 days (99%)

Brandon Choo's Info

Name:       Msg?
Brandon Choo

Member Since:
May 27th '09

(Last seen today)
Forum Stats:
  • 0 topics made · 2 replies · 0 likes given
  • liked 3 times (1.5 avg)
Olympic Cove Ultra Elite (57%)
1,400,461,410 544,435,178 give?
Points: #344 Trips: #91 (335,133)
Santa Francesca Majestic AF (31%)
431,391,781 164,777,390 give?
Points: #1033 Trips: #229 (133,980)
  Trips per Day: 82.8 (Seen 99% of days since joined)
  Trips per Day in December: 6.0 (Seen 100% of 1 day)
Love Trade RLC

Mystery-tackle-box Send MTB?

Weight Invite to my Crew?

Overall Catch Totals

Updated 11/30/24 10:45pm

(32) Trophy Fish

36.19 lb Podium Crab on Nov 17th '24
180.5 lb Onesie Jerry on Nov 21st '23
235.5 lb Three Sheets on Feb 14th '22
39.5 lb Barbatula on Mar 6th '21
984.88 lb Dancer on Dec 25th '19
59 lb Sod Eel on Nov 27th '19
586.25 lb Mutinous on Nov 16th '19
887.81 lb Banasp on Feb 9th '19
4,862 lb Reog on Jan 17th '19
762.31 lb Zadok on Jan 14th '19
97.06 lb Meong on Jan 7th '19
371.38 lb Jathilan on Jan 6th '19
17.69 lb Wider on Aug 25th '18
16.69 lb Ostracod on Jul 1st '18
163.13 lb Glassopus on Jun 12th '18
959.13 lb Zooplank on May 8th '18
126.56 lb Flashy on May 2nd '18
23.06 lb Sea Butterfly on Apr 9th '18
23.19 lb Zooplank on Apr 3rd '18
209.56 lb Freckle Pec on Mar 20th '18
406 lb Kandy Kane Koi on Dec 25th '17
185.69 lb Memotong on Sep 12th '17
37.88 lb Doublee on Aug 13th '17
122.63 lb Frostee on Jul 26th '17
455.88 lb Cinco on May 11th '17
99.19 lb Graveskeeper on Sep 10th '14
759.56 lb Howler on May 24th '14
27 lb Lamb on Mar 23rd '14
16.19 lb Wrangler on Mar 15th '14
375.75 lb Kingdom Crab on Oct 30th '10
10.06 lb Angelica on Jun 16th '10

(2) Best Tourny Days

5th place out of 109 on Jan 31st '17
1st place out of 342 on Mar 31st '12

(52) Collectables

#1 Flying Penguin (1 time)
#2 Rabid Raccoon (1 time)
#3 Polar Bear (1 time)
#4 Redwood Coal (1 time)
#5 Seinborough Lightning (7 times)
#6 Roperian Crapola (1 time)
#7 Roperian Floral (1 time)
#8 Seinborough Revelation (1 time)
#9 Outback (3 times)
#10 Mosquito Warrior (2 times)
#11 Chief of Cadaver (1 time)
#12 Sol Queen (5 times)
#13 Bandito (1 time)
#14 Native Warrior (1 time)
#15 Saloon Girl (4 times)
#16 Homeless Villain (1 time)
#17 Mad Patient (1 time)
#18 Escaped Prisoner (1 time)
#19 Ten Year Storm (1 time)
#20 Viking (1 time)
#21 Sea Spirits (1 time)
#22 Sigs Sunken Research (1 time)
#23 Happy Halloween (1 time)
#24 12 Days of December (1 time)
#25 Old Litter (1 time)
#26 Guardian Stone (1 time)
#27 Easter Eggs (1 time)
#28 Corrupted Coral (2 times)
#29 Awesome Armor (2 times)
#30 Farovian Fireworks (1 time)
#31 Lost Weapons (2 times)
#32 Brave Bones (2 times)
#33 Roperian Resolutions (1 time)
#34 12 Ornaments (1 time)
#35 Trimmed Tragedy (1 time)
#36 Garbage Cleanup (1 time)
#37 Rainbow Rescue (1 time)
#38 Lucky Day (1 time)
#39 Abigail's Lost Spoons & Cups (1 time)
#40 Elf Days (1 time)
#41 Lost Love (1 time)
#42 Tomb Raided (1 time)
#43 World Cups, Bottles and Jars (1 time)
#44 Celtic Cache (1 time)
#45 Egg Stravaganza (1 time)
#46 Reel Earth Hero (1 time)
#47 Belt Blossoms (1 time)
#48 Eldritch Eyes (1 time)
#51 Santa's Stash (1 time)
#52 Mystic Memorabilia (1 time)
#53 Enchanted Aquamancer (1 time)
#54 Ranha Regalia (2 times)
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