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Join Trevor Parry's Crew!

Join and begin your journey as an aspiring Fish Wrangler on an island in the middle of the Farovian Sea. Do you have what it takes to become a Shark Wrangler Extraordinaire? Play now for free!

Level 164 of 170 Eldritch with Free Love

Strength: 24,091 (24.6% of Lv. 162)
Total Skill: 7,586
Catch Bonus:   65%
Chum: Free Love (0% Loss)
Trips: 4,108 (137,864 total)
Catches:  6,256 (233,346 total)

(52) My Records: (Updated daily)

Show: | | |

7th  Rudolphin Streak 5 in a row
10th  Expresso Streak 12 in a row
14th  Needlenose Shark Streak 19 in a row
20th  Draconectes Streak 17 in a row
23rd  Cautious Conch Snail Trophy 633.8 kg trophy catch
24th  Time Traveler Turtle Streak 11 in a row
26th  Communication Crab Streak 17 in a row
29th  Phire Phly Streak 58 in a row
43rd  SS CCTD Catches 108 catches
47th  Finstrong Trophy 109.1 kg trophy catch
57th  Chickadee Catches 128 catches
58th  Grits Catches 501 catches
58th  Horchata Catches 389 catches
60th  Crispy Albacon Catches 432 catches
62nd  Mocha Catches 609 catches
62nd  Prince Trophy 9.8 kg trophy catch
68th  Boomer Manta Catches 844 catches
70th  Canadian Albacon Catches 421 catches
70th  Hashbuck Catches 764 catches
70th  Chickafish Catches 453 catches
72nd  Puff Gassy Catches 717 catches
73rd  Hipster Catches 525 catches
78th  Sausage Flounder Catches 49 catches
79th  Mangopup Catches 405 catches
79th  Expresso Catches 398 catches
81st  Flying Hippie Catches 1,048 catches
82nd  Fruitie Catches 154 catches
83rd  Protein Sharke Catches 501 catches
84th  Homefries Catches 533 catches
85th  Cocopus Catches 765 catches
86th  Winghead Shark Catches 470 catches
86th  Cachai Catches 393 catches
86th  O'Groupergan Catches 426 catches
87th  Bloody Mary Catches 374 catches
90th  Sausage Eel Catches 304 catches
90th  Sharkiato Catches 491 catches
91st  Pumpkin Spice Latte Catches 744 catches
92nd  Breakfast Burbot Catches 205 catches
92nd  Sweet Seagrass Catches 809 catches
93rd  Steak-n-Eggs Catches 61 catches
93rd  Black Teahorse Catches 756 catches
93rd  Kefodka Catches 553 catches
93rd  Capu Catches 208 catches
94th  Sir Benedict Catches 211 catches
94th  Rosa Mimosa Catches 211 catches
97th  Mean Green Catches 236 catches
97th  Instantuda Catches 325 catches
97th  Kombuchie Catches 444 catches
98th  Huevolrus Catches 335 catches
98th  Bellini Catches 256 catches
99th  SquidCake 99th ever
99th  Omelette Crab Catches 351 catches

  • Meg Nugent Hodges Some players seem to think different types of bonuses appear more in different areas. Not sure TBH
    4 months ago · Like · Trade RLC
  • Meg Nugent Hodges I'll try and make trips when I have a proper bonus. I was 4 months between hatemas catches and still didn't get one with a 19x quest boost for 2 hours! I did snag one with the next good lucky bonus, so I think the forums were right. Good luck!
    4 months ago · Like · Trade RLC
  • Meg Nugent Hodges Those hatemas are a beast! Word is quest bonus doesn't work as well as lucky bonuses. Last trip up with 19x bonus for 4 hours and I got ONE.
    4 months ago · Like · Trade RLC
  • Meg Nugent Hodges If you're sure - wull he a while before I can get back there. I did most of it, but if you're game, ok. Can you send me another invite?
    4 months ago · Like · Trade RLC
  • Meg Nugent Hodges Sorry, but working Olympic levels for foreseeable future. Only limited time after that since my MF team has zero interest in going back.
    4 months ago · Like · Trade RLC
  • Gary Hunt sorry already got a quest partner
    5 months ago · Like · Trade RLC

Recent Catches: (Updated 12/01/24 5:35am FVT)

Updated after each trip.
5:35am FVT
Sandra Tinks led trip... Caught a 672.26 kg Elder Golden, worth 3,424 points and 3,424 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 74 left.
5:29am FVT
Deckhand Dwight checked my line and... Caught a 598.50 kg Mutant Mahout, worth 2,838 points and 2,809 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 75 left.
5:03am FVT
Doug led trip... Caught a 717.00 kg Killer Knight, worth 2,836 points and 2,808 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 76 left.
4:38am FVT
1 Quest Catch left! Deckhand John checked my line and... Caught my 1st ever 867.03 kg Elder Thing, worth 6,933 points and 6,933 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 77 left. Found: Jelly King Eye! (Had 0, have 1)
4:31am FVT
Sandra Tinks led trip... Caught a 277.26 kg Mutant Mahout, worth 2,757 points and 2,730 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 78 left.
3:47am FVT
Deckhand Dewy checked my line and... Caught a 1,480.92 kg Scuba Shambler, worth 3,266 points and 3,233 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 79 left.
3:29am FVT
Sandra Tinks led trip... Caught a 599.63 kg Elder Golden, worth 3,392 points and 3,392 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 80 left.
2:56am FVT
Deckhand Dewy checked my line and... Caught a 463.04 kg Elder Golden, worth 3,360 points and 3,360 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 81 left.
2:50am FVT
Sandra Tinks led trip... Caught a 736.22 kg Killer Knight, worth 2,836 points and 2,808 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 82 left.
2:19am FVT
Sandra Tinks led trip... Caught a 1,328.17 kg Scuba Shambler, worth 3,266 points and 3,233 gold. I used 1 Free Love Chum, have 83 left.

Recent Tournament Catches: (Updated 12/01/24 5:35am FVT)

December 31 5:00pm FVT
December 31 5:00pm FVT

My Prizes

Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '22-23
Seen 4991 of 5476 days (91%)
Picked #18,300!
14 away from the JackPot
on Sep 19th '23
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '21-22
Seen 4389 of 4823 days (91%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '20-21
Seen 4389 of 4823 days (91%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 16th '19-20
Seen 4389 of 4823 days (91%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '18-19
Seen 4389 of 4823 days (91%)
Picked #4,077!
3 away from the JackPot
on Jun 5th '21
Received 9 FLC! 3.81 lb heaviest contest catch, 241st catch rank
Jun 4th '21
Picked Winning #10,477!
17,036 players entered
on Jan 23rd '20
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '17-18
Seen 3127 of 3287 days (95%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '16-17
Seen 3127 of 3287 days (95%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 16th '15-16
Seen 2457 of 2556 days (96%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '14-15
Seen 2457 of 2556 days (96%)
Picked #1,381!
6 away from the JackPot
on Dec 21st '15
Picked #20,737!
3 away from the JackPot
on Jun 15th '15
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '13-14
Seen 1773 of 1826 days (97%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '12-13
Seen 1415 of 1461 days (97%)
Heart Strings! (Level 12/50)
Caught 2 of 9 V-Day Fish 14 times!
Mar 8th '13
Picked #44,978!
15 away from the JackPot
on Nov 19th '12
Abolisher! (Level 7/50)
Caught 1 of 8 Halloween Fish 8 times!
Nov 16th '12
Awarded 250 FLC
April 16th '11-12
Seen 1058 of 1096 days (97%)
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '10-11
Seen 1058 of 1096 days (97%)
Picked #8,111!
3 away from the JackPot
on Oct 11th '11
Awarded 250 FLC
April 15th '09-10
Seen 491 of 513 days (96%)

Trevor Parry's Info

Name:       Msg?
Trevor Parry

Member Since:
April 15th '09

5 referrals!

(Last seen 1 day ago)
Forum Stats:
  • 4 topics made · 11 replies · 0 likes given
  • liked 5 times (0.33 avg)
Roof of the World Super Elite (12%)
1,145,558,132 361,108,514 give?
Points: #1023 Trips: #2119 (133,756)
Santa Francesca Righteous (41%)
13,307,786 996,324 give?
Points: #9045 Trips: #10055 (4,108)
  Trips per Day: 24.2 (Seen 91% of days since joined)
  Trips per Day in December: 12.0 (Seen 100% of 1 day)
Love Trade RLC

Mystery-tackle-box Send MTB?

Weight Invite to my Crew?

Night Fishing Party

Name: Aussie Acute Anglers (Start @ 9am)

Overall Catch Totals

Updated 12/01/24 5:35am

(5) Trophy Fish

240.56 lb Finstrong on Sep 20th '20
40.13 lb Kokonotsu on Jul 13th '17
21.5 lb Prince on Feb 5th '10
19.69 lb Hate on Sep 4th '09

(1) Best Tourny Day

1st place out of 831 on Apr 16th '12

(17) Collectables

#5 Seinborough Lightning (6 times)
#6 Roperian Crapola (1 time)
#8 Seinborough Revelation (1 time)
#19 Ten Year Storm (1 time)
#20 Viking (1 time)
#21 Sea Spirits (2 times)
#22 Sigs Sunken Research (1 time)
#23 Happy Halloween (1 time)
#25 Old Litter (1 time)
#26 Guardian Stone (3 times)
#28 Corrupted Coral (2 times)
#29 Awesome Armor (2 times)
#30 Farovian Fireworks (1 time)
#31 Lost Weapons (2 times)
#32 Brave Bones (2 times)
#45 Egg Stravaganza (1 time)
#51 Santa's Stash (2 times)
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